Study Abroad in Manali, India
Photo by Harshit Guliani
**Note, we changed our name in 2021 to be more reflective of our mission. Institute for Village Studies started in partnership with Western Washington University in 1999, and we look forward to carrying on this work as InPlace - Ecocultural Learning Institute.
Hi everyone, Tomorrow morning we begin our incredible two-day jeep ride through the Great Himalayan Range. We will be traveling over five mountain passes, with each pass being higher than the previous, and culminating with Taglang La at 17,500 ft – the second highest road pass in the world!
During the journey we will be leaving behind the lush green landscape of Manali, giving way first to the high Tibetan plateau and then eventually the alpine deserts of Ladakh.
Manali has been a wonderful respite; a chance to recover from the plane, train and bus rides…and to fatten up with delicious Tibetan food before heading to the high altitudes. Last night, good friends of ours invited us over to dinner, and with customary Tibetan graciousness, stuffed us with endless servings of mutton stew, curry chicken, vegetables, Tibetan steamed bread and chai tea. We’ve also had the amazing opportunity to take two hikes to two different waterfalls right outside of town, providing an opportunity to move our bodies before we begin the long journey ahead.
We will be out of email contact for the next week. Hope everyone back home is eating as well as we are!
Charlie, Liz and the IVS group